Thursday, March 8, 2007

no tittle

I can’t remember how many days went by. The winter is leaving without coming back recently. The weather of spring is similar with summer. Everything is change violently in this season. It was warmer now, and the snow was beginning to melt. There was a massive of snow covering the ground before the rising temperature. Snow is melt into a small brook. On my way to school, I find a squirrel that I have not seen it for a long time. It is believed that the long cold winter should say goodbye to me. Indeed, I should do more exercises in order to breathe much fresh air. I pack my entire overcoat together, because it is unnecessary to wear such thick clothing.

I find a surprising affair in library. When I passed by the door of library. I saw a man kissing a lady. They ignored the fact that many passerbies were looking at them. When I left library (I stayed here for one hour), it is unbelievable that these two guys were still………… I really admire their perseverance. It is possible that a newcomer will regard them as a realistic statue in the library. There is no denying that they are able to break a new record in the world.

On the way to my house, I felt pretty sleepy in C-train. Suddenly, I heard a loud voice, “ It is so funny to take a train” afterwards, another person also use a loud voice, “ look at the outside, the train can move” When I turned around, I found two middle-aged women. I realized the truth of their actions immediately. I can sympathize with those who have lost something ones.
I should cherish the memory of current days.

1 comment:

Scott Douglas said...

It sounds like you are a very observant person. You see all the things that are going on around you. Your blog reads like a poem :-)