Sunday, March 18, 2007

A Special Encounter

It started to blow wind while I was on my way to school. Sitting on the train, I couldn’t help thinking of the little girl whom I had met under the overhead bridge at the city center. She was about ten years old in a tattered red dress, which was obviously sewn over many times. Looking frail and small, almost overwhelmed by the crowd, she was stooping near a trash can searching for thing which she considered useful. The little girl was surrounded by trash, oblivious to the people around her. I noticed that what she collected were papers: newspapers, advertisement leaflets and some little pieces of paper with colorful pictures and characters. They seemed ordinary, yet the little girl was smiling at them every now and then. She put the papers in order, took out a small string and strung them together; she seemed satisfied with her handiwork.
Later, she gathered up the papers with both hands and went over to a corner of the overhead bridge. I was confused as she sat down on the ground and began reading those papers. Her expression changed like the weather, sometimes she laughed, and sometimes she knitted her brows. My interest was piqued; and quietly I walked towards her. However, when I said “Hi”to her, she was rather frightened. She stood up at once and said “sorry” to me again and again. The little girl must mistook my status, so I explained to her that I was just a stranger here and wanted to ask her something.
After that, she became happy quickly. Then she told me with her strong accent that she never thought there’s someone would speak to her so friendly. For hearing that, I felt upset even a kind of crime. I smiled and talked to her for minutes.


Felice said...

Was this girl homeless? I feel really sorry for such people...:/ That's amazing that she searched for things to read!!
Many people would just go by and wouldn't even bother to care about her. You are a very good person, Serenity!! She must have been very happy to talk to you :)

Super Saiyan said...

This was really interesting to read, yet sad. It seems that the c-train took so much time that you had enough time to watch the girl. This was realy strange that she was looking for something to read from the trash. She could have gone to many places to read books or what ever. It is a mystery

Scott Douglas said...

Wow, that's a fascinating story! Thanks for sharing it with us. It's really amazing. How unusual :-)

June said...

where did you meet that girl? it is really ver sad to hear about this story!